Richmond / Clarksville Arsenal Saddle Manufacturing


1861                   1862                  1863            1864                      1865
Civilian Purchases,
some manufacturing  April – Fall 1861
of various models*    —————–

1st Model “Patent”                            Jan. – Nov. 1862
Jenifer                                       ——————–

2nd  Model                                                       Nov.  1862- Spring 1863
New Jenifer*                                                             ———-

Jenifer/McClellan                                                            June – Nov. 1863
and “Transition “ Saddle                                                          ——–

1st Model McClellan                                                                Nov. 1863 – April 1864
“Dinwiddie”                                                                                            April 1864 – End of War
McClellan                                                                                             ————————–

* Some McClellans were also being manufactured during this period.

Using delivery vouchers and correspondence, the records show that from April 1862 through June 1863 approximately 27,515 of the following saddle tree patterns had been manufactured and delivered by the Richmond Arsenal.

1st Model                   New
Jenifer                    Jenifer                McClellen
Pitman 1st contract:                                10,000                   ———                ———
Pitman 2nd contract:                                 8,047                    3,835                   3,118
Three other major tree suppliers
(Hutchings, Broun, Borst)                        ——                      2,525 (approx.)   ——–
18,047                    6,350                    3,118

* Please note that the above represents the major cavalry saddle tree suppliers to the Richmond Arsenal. Other contractors may have also supplied a small number of trees. By July 1st “finished” saddles issued into the field would be somewhat less.