Sources for Nashville Arsenal Information

NATIONAL ARCHIVES, WAR DEPT. COLLECTION OF CONFEDERATE RECORDS-CHAPT. IV, GROUP 109. Records of the Ordnance Bureau, Vol. 8, 9, 19, 78 & 79, 104, 105. Records of contracts and Ordnance stores purchased, received and issued at Nashville and Atlanta 1861-1862. CONFEDERATE ORDNANCE MANUAL- REGULATIONS FOR GOVERNMENT OF ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT,  C.S.A., Richmond, Va. 1862 PLOUGHSHARES INTO […]

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Saddle Manufacturing at the Nashville Arsenal

1861                   1862                  1863                  1864                 1865 Civilian Purchases, some manufacturing    April – summer 1861 of military patterns: McClellan:                      Summer 1861- Feb. 1862 NASHVILLE SADDLE PRODUCTION NUMBERS:  (1861 is incomplete but 1862 accurate) 2,922                     1,130                   —–                 —–                 —– NASHVILLE CONTRACT PRICES     Oct. 1861 through Jan.  1862 Saddles:                       $22.50-$26 Bridles:                        $  3.50 Halters:                        $  2 Saddle Bags:                $  […]

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