NATIONAL ARCHIVES, WAR DEPT. COLLECTION OF CONFEDERATE RECORDS-CHAPT. IV, GROUP 109. Records of the Ordnance Bureau, Vol. 8, 9, 19, 78 & 79, 104, 105. Records of contracts and Ordnance stores purchased, received and issued at Nashville and Atlanta 1861-1862. CONFEDERATE ORDNANCE MANUAL- REGULATIONS FOR GOVERNMENT OF ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, C.S.A., Richmond, Va. 1862 PLOUGHSHARES INTO […]
Saddle Manufacturing at the Nashville Arsenal
1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 Civilian Purchases, some manufacturing April – summer 1861 of military patterns: McClellan: Summer 1861- Feb. 1862 NASHVILLE SADDLE PRODUCTION NUMBERS: (1861 is incomplete but 1862 accurate) 2,922 1,130 —– —– —– NASHVILLE CONTRACT PRICES Oct. 1861 through Jan. 1862 Saddles: $22.50-$26 Bridles: $ 3.50 Halters: $ 2 Saddle Bags: $ […]
Nashville Arsenal / Depot Pattern Calvary Saddle & Horse Equipments
In spite of the loss of many records in the Depot fire there is ample documentation surviving or available from contractor’s files which describe the horse equipment made under contract at Nashville during its brief existence. In a letter from Lt. Wright to Col. Gorgas on Jan. 31, 1862, Wright writes, “I get an excellent […]
Nashville Arsenal and Armory: October 1861 through February 1862
South 3rd and Mulberry St., Nashville, Tenn. October 1861 through February 1862 The Nashville Arsenal and Armory was first put in operation under the State of Tennessee The Nashville Arsenal and Armory was first put in operation under the State of Tennessee Ordnance Department in the Spring of 1861. On September 18, 1861 Capt. K. […]