WAR DEPT. COLL. OF CONF. RECORDS, GROUP 109, “CITIZENS FILE” 1861, 1866 Montgomery City Directories
Major Contract Supplier to Montgomery Arsenal
MAY, CHARLES P. 8 Market St., Montgomery, Ala. Another Antebellum and postwar saddlery. This firm produced large numbers of cavalry equipment by contract to the Montgomery Arsenal from May 1861 through April 1864 including: saddles (1,245 Jenifer and three “Spanish”); bridles (1,914 halter-Bridles); valises (2,765); halters (36); bits (33); nose bags (2,805); martingales (93); cruppers […]
Saddle Manufacturing at the Montgomery Arsenal
1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 Civilian Purchases, some manufacturing Early 1861 of various models Jenifer: Spring/Summer 1861 – Aug 1863 McClellan: Aug 1863 – End of War SADDLES MNUFTR’D AT MONTGOMERY: (Summary from major contractors only) 3 2,917 1,248 ? ?
Montgomery Arsenal Saddles & Horse Equipments
Montgomery’s war time leather equipment production was apparently significant. Many tens of thousands of infantry accoutrements, saddles and other horse equipment were manufactured here much of it apparently under contract. The following information was taken from the records of two prominent local commercial contractors to the arsenal, “Joseph Gue & Co.” and “Charles P. May”, […]
Montgomery Arsenal (Station): 1862 – April 1865
Montgomery was a major center of manufacturing activity for the Western Confederacy. Large governmental facilities were located here including an Ordnance Arsenal, Quartermaster Depot, a Medical Depot and pharmaceutical laboratory, a Nitre and Mining District Headquarters and a Naval Storehouse. In addition, the ironclad steamer THE NASHVILLE was built at its docks along the Alabama […]