Civil War Federal Contractors of Saddlery, Horse Equipment & Hardware

By Ken R Knopp

Author’s Note: The following information has been compiled over many years of my research in Confederate saddlery and documents. It sources are that of several readily available books, articles and artifacts. Since my main area of research has not focused on Federal equipment or manufacturing, I must admit it may contain a few errors and is certainly not as complete as I would like it to be. I only present it here for others as a handy reference guide and possibly as a source for those who might want to pick up the mantle and complete the research.

The following lists comprise contractors or suppliers of cavalry saddles and horse equipments, i.e. halters, bridles, bits, girths, cruppers, etc. and their required hardware. Specifically “hardware” is: all types of buckles; rings; saddle shields, ovals and foot staples; curb chains; link strap hooks, rosettes, some times bridle bits and other miscellaneous iron or brass components that make up the horse equipment saddlery.

It is possible that not all of these companies were the actual manufacturers. Many appear to have “farmed out” to other manufacturers at least a portion of their Federal government contract orders and other needs. Also important, not all production was for Federal Government contract orders. Many suppliers sold horse equipment commercially to the Militia, state regiments and companies, officers and even individuals. This is only a limited list. No doubt there were other companies or manufacturers who provided these items also.


The following arsenals or companies are known to have had contracts with the Federal Government to provide saddles and/or horse equipments for the Army.


Allegheny Arsenal

Pittsburgh, Pa Complete Saddles/Equip.

Alexander Barclay & Co.

204 Market St., Newark, NJ Bits

Child, Pratt & Fox

Saddles and Horse Equip.

Jennin E. Condict & Co

Chicago, Ill.

Wooley Condict & Co.

Chicago, Ill. Grimsley/McClellan Saddles

Eben A Corbet

St. Louis, MO

Edwin A Crossman & Co

Newark, NJ Halters & stirrup straps

Josiah Cummings

Springfield, MA. Bridles, halters, saddles, traces & collars

D. Demarest & Co.

Newark, NJ Saddles

Thornton Grimsley Co.

St. Louis, MO Grimsley saddles & equip

Hansel & Braeutigam

Philadelphia, PA Saddles

H. Head & Co. (Head & Boon)

Quincy, Mass Bridles & halters

Heatheral & Cosker

Cinn., OH Saddles

Hoover, Calhoun & Co.

NYC Nose bags,saddle bags, links, surcingles, girths

John How

St. Louis, MO Horse Equipments

Emanual Metzger

Philadelphia, PA Horse Equips., bridles, halters

C. Prudden

Philadelphia, PA Cavalry saddle trees

Nece & Rueben & Co.

Philadelphia, PA Saddles, Horse Equip sets

George Peters (Peters & Benner)

Newark, NJ Saddles, bridles, stirrups, halters, surcingles

John Reid

Cincinnati OH Horse equipments

Sickles & Co.

St.Louis, MO Cruppers

Turner & Sibley

Chicago, Ill. Cavalry Equipments

Warren H. Wilkinson

Springfield MASS Bridles, halters

E. Waters, Co.

Troy, NY Art. drivers & valise saddle trees

Watervliet Arsenal

Complete Artillery & Cavalry saddles & Equipment


The following is a list, though by no means complete, of known Civil War era “saddlers”. In some cases it is not entirely clear if these companies had Government contracts or simply sold saddle and horse equipment products commercially. In addition, some may not have manufactured but merely “supplied” the products as middle-men. Many of these companies were apparently in the business both before and after the war supplying the wants of both civilians and the Military.


Roswell Bartholomew

Hartford, Conn

Horatio Beall & Co

Washington DC

William Bell & Co


Cullen Brown


A.S. Carner & Co.

Washington DC

M C McKinny Chase & Co.


Arthur Clendening Co.

Allegheny City, PA

William Gilmore & Co.

Pittsburg, PA

Henry G. Haedrich

Philadelphia, PA

Samuel A. Hagner

Philadelphia, PA

Hannibal G. Hamlin, Jr.

Cincinnati, OH

R.P. & S.P. Harner

Philadelphia, PA

Jenkins & Lilly


Lyman J Lloyd

Albany, NY

John M Migeod

Philadelphia, PA

Richard E. Miles

Louisville, KY

Edward P. Moyer

Philadelphia, PA

Sherman Nichols & Co

Washington DC

John Norgrove

Chicago, Ill

Peck Bros. Saddlery

New York

Schuyler, Hartley & Graham

19 Maiden Lane, NY (Paris France and Birmingham, England)


The following contractors had Federal Government contracts to supply saddle or horse equipment “hardware” (sometimes called lorinery”) i.e. buckles, rings, squares, halter bolts, escutcheon plates, etc.; bits, curb chains, picket pins, etc. and sometimes other equipments. It is highly probable most of these contractors were also the manufacturers of their products. This list is by no means complete as to the contractors or the products they supplied.

Another important aspect of the hardware supply question that is not addressed here is just how much, or specifically, what items were imported from overseas. It is common knowledge Germany, Great Britain and France provided some arms, equipment and materials for the Northern war effort. It is also believed that some of the domestic military suppliers imported hardware products for finishing saddlery or for sale here. Obviously more research and knowledge is needed before conclusions can be made. Unfortunately, surviving European documentation may be limited by the passage of years and possibly even destroyed as a result of two World Wars.


Alexander Barclay & Co.

204 Market St. Newark, N.J. Bits

Carrington Mfg. Co.

Waterbury, Conn. Shields, ovals, etc.

Condict, Wheeler

Newark, N.J. Bits, curb chains, ovals, shields

Stephen Condict

52 Lake St. Saddle Hardware for

John C. Wooley & Frederick King

Chicago, Ill. Grimsley and McClellan saddles

Eben A. Corbet

11 N. Main Saddlery Hardware,or 109 N. 4th St. Louis, MO Pack saddles

James M Frazee & Co.

46-50 Mechanic or 16 Mechanic, Newark, N.J. Brass & blued curb chains, bits, watering bits, rosettes, saddles, hardware

Thornton Grimsley Co.

64 Main St., St. Louis, MO Grimsley Saddles and horse equipment

William S. Hansell & Sons

114 Market, Philadelphia PA Saddles

Hoover Calhoun & Co.

27 Chambers NYC Link straps, surcingles, girths

John How

134 N. Main, St. Louis, MO Saddlery hardware, horse equipments

James, L Howard & Co.

50-52 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. Artillery bits and brass buckles

Moores & Co.

Cincinnati, OH Saddles, horse equipment, hardware.

O.B. North & Co.

65 or 71 North Franklin to Green, New Haven CONN Malleable Iron, Bits, Picket pins, sling swivels, saddle hardware.

William Powell & Co.

247-249 W. 5th, Cincinnati, OH Brass stirrups, Tree mountings, rosettes, bits, stirrups

J.B. Sicles & Co.

142 N. Main, Stl. Louis, MO Horse equipment

William P. Wilstach & Co.

38 North 3rd, Philadelphia, PA Picket Pins, spurs, saddle hardware, cavalry bits


The following contractors provided “saddle hardware” during the War. It is unclear what these items were, if they had Federal contracts or merely provided these goods commercially.


Joseph Baldwin

204 Market St. Newark, NJ

John Cross & Co.

523 Main Louisville, KY

Benjamin F. Eaton

70 Bowery NYC

Mathews & Sayre

1 Alling St. Newark, NJ

James E. Mooney & Co.

Indianapolis, IND

Fredrick Reynold

34 Mechanic Newark, NJ

Roys & Wilcox Mfg. Co.


Sulgrove & Reynolds

Indianapolis, IND

Van Wart (Irvin) & McCoy

17 Platt St NYC